Gameplay Plans

In episode 492 of The Thirteenth Hour podcast, my brother and I discussed game design; specifically, what makes games enjoyable, and I used this 2D WIP of The Rocketeer vs the Third Reich as an example, as I had more or less done what I wanted to do with it (originally a means to a end to learn the basics of how to use the program it was created in, GDevelop5.  I wasn't sure where to go with it.  Should I take the time to make it a full fledged game or move on to other things?  However, after the discussion, I decided there was enough there that I could mold it into an actual, proper (albeit short game) with a story arc and a progression of levels.  It would mirror the story the game was based on and play to the strengths of the game engine as well as the character.  So I definitely wanted to add to the variety of flying levels as well as showcase stealth as well as some unarmed level(s).  This public Patreon post with video has additional details.

Planned stages:

-Intro screen

-Cut scene intro: 1939, LA.  Cliff's mentor/mechanic, Peevy, gets captured by the Nazis.  Cliff asked by FBI to rescue him and other rocket engineers. Likely would take 2 screens of text/pictures.

-More intro: Cliff gets to Germany but gets captured in the castle. 1 screen.

-L1: side scrolling. Cliff without helmet or pack, needs to escape.  No weapons.  Stealth and unarmed attacks only.  Can hide in shadows or find closets.  There should be a system (not too annoying) that shows alarms are going off if the guards on on alert.  This should be a training level.  Learn controls and face one guard.  Guard looks side to side and then pees on the wall while muttering in write to himself.  You can take this opportunity to sneak attack, dealing more damage (mirrors a scene in the book and lets the player know the kind of humor of the game).  

-L2: side scrolling.  Avoid/face multiple guards.  Find pistol, pack, and helmet at end.

-L3: side scrolling. Cliff is on castle roof.  Hiding in shadows, fighting guards as a last resort.  Hide in tunnels.  Gunshots and using the rock pack alerts the guards and flying rocket troopers.  The guards should have a semicircular radar sense around them so if you are seen or heard within it, they will shoot.  When you fire or take off, a circular field around will alert guards due to how loud the rocketpack is.  If you make it to the end without detection, rewarded (special attack, maybe?)    

-L5-6: top down flying with vertical scrolling, Raptor style and / or side scrolling flying, Defender style.  Flying is prolonged by getting fuel and defenses are upgraded by finding new weapons (grenades / rifle / MP 40s / akimbo wield).  Drop the weapon if dry and revert to pistol.  Upgrade rocket attack allowing you to ram enemies and destroy them without damage.  

-L7: side scrolling.  Stealth and hide in shadows to rescue engineers.  Two ways to do that, not necessarily reflective of the story.  Commandeer a plane and take on German fighters, eventually flying to Denmark with the hostages.  Or, lead the hostages over the edge of the castle into the moat and forested area below.

-L8 (plane): a traditional 1942 top down style plane shooter - your captured cargo plane vs German fighters.  Limited ammo (or none) on board, so mostly evasion.

-L9 (plane): Cliff ejects to take on German fighters - top down or side scrolling.  You win if you destroy enough to allow the cargo plane to get away.  You catch up to them.  One idea might be to program it so you use yourself as bait.  Make the enemy AI follow you, so if you time it right, you can get enemy planes to collide with each other.

-L8 (moat): side scrolling - you need to get to a part of the castle where you can climb over.  Make it so the hostages follow you as a unit.  This would be a stealth level, as there would be many guards and flying troopers overhead.  Need to create a distraction.  Could use grenades like the book or just shooting fuel barrels.   

-L9 (moat): side scrolling - leading the hostages through the forest to safety while avoiding patrols.

-outro cut scene showing Cliff and Peevy returning home

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